1.Training curricular apprenticeship
The apprenticeship is aimed at enabling students to make a direct experience in the world of work to improve their knowledge of professional practice. Apprentices can be accepted by: companies of Public Administration, Bodies and Institutions, Authorities, societies, enterprises, professional offices, professional and service companies, associations or facilities of the Università Federico II.
2. Apprenticeship duration
The Degree Course in Sciences of Architecture includes a mandatory training apprenticeship which can take place not before the third year of course.
This Apprenticeship includes 75 hours of activities equal to 3 CFU and can last not less than a month and not more than three months. If students request and only after the end of apprenticeship they may obtain an extra-time for three other CFU (for information: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. ).
3. Commission and representatives
The Commission who is in charge of apprenticeship is formed by teachers of the Degree course and meets once a month according to the timetable published on the site
4. Types of apprenticeship
Students can choose among the following types of apprenticeship:
A Extramoenia Apprenticeship
A1- Extramoenia  Apprenticeship which must take place in Public  Institutions in agreement with the University, such as Municipalities and Authorities
A2 – Extramoenia  Apprenticeship which must take place in private offices, professional and service companies, enterprises or associations
In both cases Extramoenia  apprenticeship requires a training project – which must be commensurate with the number of credits required by CdS and with correspondent hours of work – and the choice of two tutors: one within the University and the Study Course and one within the host organization. To request an apprenticeship in institutions having no agreements with the University it is necessary to stipulate an agreement.
B – Intramoenia Apprenticeship which must be carried out in the facilities of the University Federico II. Intramural apprenticeship provides for only one tutor. He will be the CdS or the University teacher who planned the training programme.
C – Course of Internship to be carried out in the facilities of the University Federico II in case of offers of Apprenticeship Courses.
5. End of apprenticeship
At the end of his apprenticeship and for the ratification of his credits, a student must have an interview with the Apprenticeship Commission in which he must describe his work.