Degree thesis
The degree theses can be carried out in all subjects within the Degree Course. There may be individual or group thesis, a group can be formed by a maximum of two students. In case of a team work, each author’s contribution must be declared and explicit. All DiARC teachers can be thesis supervisors. Contract teachers can be co-supervisors.

Thesis typologies are three:
A. Original
B. In-depth analysis of a work carried out in previous courses
C. Curricular (candidate’s curriculum prepared under the guidance of a supervisor)
The mark changes according to the kind of thesis and considering the different required commitment:
A. Original from 0 to 10 points (exceptionally 11)
B. In-depth analysis of a work carried out in previous courses (from 0 to 6 points max)
C. Curricular (candidate’s curriculum prepared under the guidance of a supervisor) from 0 to max 2 points. Honours are not included.
For their degree thesis candidates must:
- present 5/6  A1 format tables to be mounted on rigid support;
- prepare a ppt which may coincide with the tables themselves
- present two A4 vertical format copies including the thesis tables (folded A3 format). Each book must be followed by a CD including texts and images, with the tables in dwg and JPG format.
Candidates will have at their disposal a maximum time of 20 minutes, in which they will have to present their work. After the presentation of all the candidates the Commission will meet for grading.
The final score will be based on the average of grade point average of exams supplied by the Secretariat. Then it will be approached to the unit and will be added to the grade given by the Commission on the basis of the thesis typology and of the work presented. Honours must be given unanimously.