Technology of Architecture Workshop B (students E-O)


Prof. Antonio Passaro





The course will provide the student with a working methodology to control in architectural design the system of relationships between materials, executive processes, functional outcomes and figurative and environmental. The course therefore aims to put students in a position to operate congruent choices among multiple techniques, both traditional and innovative, and to measure their degree of integration and their performance levels.


The activities of the Laboratory will be characterized primarily by the development of a design experimentation; the object of this study will be the requalification of an urban area, developed through subsequent phases, involving the analysis of the environment and the quality of services and facilities, assessed by reference to the users’ needs and their integration in the urban context. The student will be guided in-depth analysis of the relationships between spaces, business, technical and executive methodologies solutions, to define the objectives and requirements of equipment or technical systems for the design.
The design choices will be guided through the acquisition of tools for monitoring the potential performance of each component in relation to their useful life cycle (production, use, management-maintenance and disposal).
Teaching program
The course is organized by alternating and integrating:
•Graphics Processing project-based;
•Seminars on specific topics
•Comparison and discussion for the verification of design solutions


The seminars cover the following topics:
1.Technological approach in architectural design;
- the classification of the technological system;
- the concept of quality: the needs, requirements, performance;
- performance analysis for quality control;
2.The role of materials in architectural design;
- technical characteristics of the materials;
- the greening of materials;
3.Construction techniques in architecture;
- systems and structural elements;
- wooden architecture, steel, reinforced concrete and masonry;


Final exam
Supported individually by each student, include:
•an oral exam on general topics covered during the course and the specific thematic studies, carried out during the design experimentation;
•an illustration and discussion on the results of the planning activity conducted during the course.


(The bibliography refers to texts for consultation and will be complemented by documentary material)
•AA.VV (1995), Manuale di progettazione edilizia. Fondamenti, strumenti, norme (6 voll). Hoepli, Milano;
•AAVV (1992), Costruire a regola d’arte (7 voll.), Be.Ma Editrice, Milano;
•Amerio C., Canavesio G. (2007), Tecniche ed elementi costruttivi, SEI, Torino.