Theory and techniques of architectural design 1A (students A-D) 

Prof. Adele Picone





attraVerso (Trhough and toward) the Architectures

Syllabus and Coursedescription 

The course pursues to provide theoretical and technical knowledge in architectural design  field to the students,  an introduction for understanding the logic on which the architectural design is based, aiming at decoding the form’s design  transmissible aspects. A double cognitive path is proposed: on the one hand a thematic reading, which, crossing transversely the theories of architecture, clarifies the weight and the role of some components of the design process; on the other, an investigation into the relationship between design and building techniques, connecting the technical and technological aspects with the architectural form. The Masters works are the field of the thematic analysis, where the architectures will be read in relation to their theoretical writings, and proposing an excursus into their various design methodologies.

The architectures are placed at the center of the cognitive path, the theories will be, in fact, exposed utilizing the works to explicit the methodologies. Some housing projects, designed by Luigi Cosenza and Bernard Rudofsky, born with the stated intent of the authors "to transpose the house of Pompeii and Herculaneum in contemporary language", will be the instrument to deepen the relationship between project and reference and to study the domus of the two ancient cities, as an archetype of the Mediterranean house of the East and the West.


Articulation of lessons

The course is divided into theoretical lessons and design exercises, in particular will be undertaken a  critical redesign of the assigned houses, both aging in the past and in the contemporary. 

This is the sequence of lessons:

0. Introduction/ Presentazione dell’esercitazione 

1. Lesson: The architectural design

2. Lesson: Harmonious proportions research in the history

3. Lesson: Reading and writing an architectural work

4. Lesson: The domus as origin of the eastern and western house

5. Lesson: Pre-existence and design

6. Lesson: Typology and design

7. Lesson: History and design

8. Lesson: The space

9. Lesson: Natural and built form

10. Lesson: Architecture and city

11. Lesson: The design’s tecnichal aspecs: form and structure 

12. Lesson: Light, material, weight

13. Lesson: Rules and regulations in the design process


Study visits:

1_Pompei andErcolano

2_Villa Oro, via Orazio, Napoli

3_Casa Malaparte and Villa Cernia_Capri



The materials and the bibliography related to the theoretical topics are provided together with the lessons,  however the students  have to read, in the hours of individual study, the following texts:

Le Corbusier, Verso una architettura, Longanesi, Milano 1989;

A. Maiuri, La casa di Pompei ed Ercolano

A. Monestiroli, La metopa e il triglifo, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2002;

F. Purini, Comporre l'architettura, Laterza, Bari 2000;

L. Quaroni, Progettare un edificio, Mazzotta, Milano 1977;

P. Valéry, Eupalinos o l'Architetto, in "Tre dialoghi", Einaudi, Torino 1990.