Descriptive Geometry and Cad Design C (students P-Z)
 annual course

Prof. Emanuela Lanzara




Syllabus (Learning aims)

CAD design
The series of lectures dedicated to the CAD design aims to provide students with the theoretical and methodological knowledge for digital representation for architecture. In particular, we will highlight the differences between the traditional design and digital design, in order to develop the student's critical thinking skills necessary to determine which is the correct use of digital tools. The course will consist of training classroom and practical application of CAD.

Descriptive geometry
The Descriptive Geometry is to be considered as an essential corpus for understanding and controlling of space and the forms in which architecture is designed, imagine dor simply analyzed.
Space is the operating environment in which the architect intervenes by changing proportions and relationships: knowledge of the projective properties allows to control the transposition of the spatial relationships of a project into real life. Therefore, the student has to understand what happens in space, using sketches, diagrams and drawings, made in axonometry isometric or perspective, and then choose the most appropriate representations through which to communicate the values of meaningful architectures.

Course description
Lectures and classroom exercises aimed at the application of the topics of syllabus and to improve and verify their understanding.
The student must practice in exercises consisting in the production of drawings (in CAD), aimed at the interpretation and communication of contemporary architectures.The learning process will enable the student to deal with the architecture design in double orthogonal projections. The principles of CAD also want to provide the student with an additional tool for the representation of the basic principles of the design.

Articulation of lessons

Cad Design
The principles and fundamentals of CAD : Methods and tools. Vector difference between software and software that manage and generate raster images; interaction between the two categories.
The area of virtual work. Initial settings of design. How it can provide a command drop-down menus, icons, toolbars, keyboard input, management and changes to the toolbars.
The display: pan, zoom ( window, real-time, previous, dynamic, etc.)., Aerial view, the display order
Selection Mode: window, intersection, add and remove objects
The layers: how to use them, the dialog management layer ( state, color, line type )
The drawing tools.
The standard primitives: point, line, rectangle, polygon, circle, arc, ellipse, etc..
Object Properties: managing and editing (color, layer, linetype, etc.. ). The command applies property.
The commands of editing objects: delete, move, copy (multiple), offset, flip, scale (with scale factor or reference), wheel (with reference), align, stretch, trim, trimming, extending, explode, divide, measure
The functions queries: distance, area, lists
Draw a rectangular or polar
Complex entities: the polyline and its properties, the text: single-line and multiline text, create, and manage text styles
Quotas: the creation of the dimension style and its amendments.
The texture (or dashes): management and use.
The raster import and manage image files.
The edit function (polyline, spline, hatch, text, etc.).
Print Management: the print scale, the management of the dialog layout for printing, virtual printing.

Descriptive Geometry
The axonometry, orthogonal axonometric. Representation of the fundamental institutions. Axonometry Isometric oblique. Vertical perspective framework. Representation of the fundamental institutions
Determination of heights perspective. Curves and surfaces
Theory of shadows
- Isometric view isometric solid figures (rectangular parallelepiped and cylinder, pyramid, and cone)
- Isometric cavalier of the vaults
- Isometric representation of a helical surface
- Perspective of solid figures
- Perspective in the context of simple vertical architectural artifacts
- Exercise of the year : the drawings finalized the interpretation and communication of contemporary architecture

M. Docci, M. Gaiani, Scienza del Disegno, Utet, 2000.