Interior Design - Final Workshop
integrated for the Workshop for Final Project in Interior Design


Prof. Nicola Flora




Tutor: Luigi Maisto, Francesca Iarrusso, Chiara Terranova, Tommaso Vecci
The laboratory aims to make the students of the architecture three-year degree aware of the characteristics of the small-scale project, in particular of the interior architecture that, during his noble history, has created a theoretical corpus that has marked an itinerary among the realization of great valuable structures for the western culture of living.
With a series of theoretical lessons, which will be spaced out with design examinations and laboratories on the theme “B&B in Rione Sanità, Naples”, we will experience completion systems for rickety or partially ruined buildings. These systems modify the original typological and spatial configuration and they will be realized with wooden structures integrated with primary equipment systems (containers, fixed furniture) that can fit in the pre-existent architectural spaces. The new structures have to be made up of beams, panels and half-timbered frame in glued laminated timber and/or iron (not X-LAM structures), and they have to be clearly distinguished from the pre-existent structure.
Working modality in the classroom: In each meeting, there will be the alternation of theoretical lessons and project work with assistants and the professor, ensuring a guided and constant progress of the work (developed mostly during the meetings), with the final aim of preparing the whole class to attend the exam during the summer session. Remember that the frequency is compulsory (minimum the 70% on the total hours) so the project will progress in the classroom with the attendance of the professor and his didactical tutors (this is the aim of the laboratory).
At the end of the course, there will be three meetings with the tutors for the finishing of the project and the tables assembly 
During the course, they will be defined the intermediate deliveries (that will not influence the final mark) in relation to the different developing phases of the project in order to make it evolving constantly:
a.At 1/3 of the course the delivery of the volumetric, the scheme of maps and the sections 1/100.
b. t 2/3 of the course the delivery of the volumetric of the new structures in order to evaluate the composition and the coherence with the pre-existent structure.
c.Maps and sections in more detailed scale (1/50) with the final volumetry, in order to proceed to the composition of the exam tables. 
The intermediate deliveries will be compulsory even if they will not influence the mark.
Materials for the meetings’ work: we recommend bringing -obviously the PC- traditional material such as translucent paper (small roll), set square, pencils and colored pencils to draw especially during the first phases of the project, cardstocks/woodpaper, quick-setting glue and a cutter to realize the plastic.
Exam modality: the final exam, determined on the dates with the deal and the coordination with the didactic supervisor, will be set as an exhibition/exam with the presence of the administration/partner involved and young architects as external commission. 
In order to attend the exam, each group would deliver:
-Six A2 tables in horizontal format on a stiff support.
-Model in adequate scale of the whole module.
-Horizontal A3 book with a synthesis of the project development to the final solution.
-Descriptive relation of the project on a vertical A4 paper set on a stiff support – A3 colored copy of the 3 delivered tables.
-DVD with the reproduction of the aforementioned materials.
During the course, we will provide more information about the graphical details of the final exhibition/exam. The final exhibition of the works will be subsequently set in Jelsi (CB).

Dates and exam modality: the exam will be set jointly between the two disciplines of the Laboratory (interior architecture and industrial drawing) on the following dates:
Summer session 
Autumn session
Recommended texts:
1 . Bachelard G., La poetica dello spazio, Dedalo ed., 1993. 
2. Cornoldi A., Architettura dei luoghi domestici. Il progetto del confort, Jaka Book ed, 1994. 
3. Ottolini G., De Prizio V., La casa attrezzata, Liguori, 1993 
4. Abalos I., Il buon abitare. Pensare le case della modernità, Christian Marinotti ed., 2009. 
5. Flora N., (a cura di), Per un abitare mobile, Quodlibet, 2011 
6. Flora N., Iarrusso F., Abitare, LetteraVentidue, Siracusa, 2017.  
Texts for the detailed analysis:
1. Flora N., Lezioni dall’architettura, Clean ed., 2008.  
2. Flora N., Progettare, sperimentare, costruire, Clean, 2006 
3. Flora N., Macchine per abitare, Clean, 2008
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