Applied thermodynamic and heat transfer (students A- L)


 Prof. Francesco Minichiello





The course is aimed at giving to the scholars the required theoretical knowledge in matter of thermal-hygrometric behaviour and energy efficiency of buildings.

Course description
Main concepts and definitions. Metrics and units of measurement. Notes to the thermodynamics states: phase transitions and calculation of properties of pure substances. Mass and energy balances for closed and open systems. Heat transfer in steady state, with particular reference to the building envelope: conduction, convection and radiation; combined mechanisms of heat transfer. Moist air and Psychrometry: basic concepts and assessment of the properties using the psychrometric chart; elementary transformations. Surface and interstitial condensation in building envelopes. Overview on: thermal bridges and thermal loads in winter and summer; steady state and dynamic thermal parameters of the building envelope; legislation on energy saving in buildings and notes on the energy labelling.

Articulation of lessons
The class teaching is carried out by means of lectures and tutorials.

Final exams
During the development of the course, some intermediate tests are established in order to favor the passing of the final exam.

L. Bellia, P. Mazzei, F. Minichiello, D. Palma: Aria umida. Climatizzazione ed involucro edilizio, Ed. Liguori, 2006.
Appunti forniti agli studenti, (Docenti: Francesco Minichiello e Fabrizio Ascione).
A. Cesarano, P. Mazzei: Elementi di termodinamica applicata, Ed. Liguori, 1987.