
Prof. Clara Fiorillo





The Scenography course aims to provide students with the theoretical and methodological tools for the project of a contemporary theatrical scenography. In addition to assuming categories and methodologies typical of architectural science, the course proposes the study of other disciplinary components necessary for theatrical staging: dramaturgical conceptions and related representative principles, theories of the actor, elements of lighting, specificity of the theatrical text, musical concepts for theater in music, etc. Since the scenography is part of a dramaturgical "system", the relationship among the various components of the performance is analyzed, deepening (both from the historical and methodological point of view) the most significant conceptions that have developed in the modern and contemporary age (theatrical avant-gardes of the 1900s, etc.). The didactic exercises consist in the analysis and design of a theatrical play in prose or in music, with particular attention to the relationship between "stage machine" and "theatrical typology". The exercises include text analysis, an iconographic research related to the elements to be brought to the scene, preliminary sketches, identification of the main materials to be adopted and related construction techniques, project of the individual stage machines (modular and mobile) and, finally, drawing of the scenes.


C. FIORILLO, Skenographia, Liguori, Napoli, 1996.

C. FIORILLO, Travestimenti scenici di arredi e oggetti d’uso quotidiano, Giannini, Napoli, 2015.

C. FIORILLO, Una fantasia lirica antigraziosa, Giannini, Napoli, 2012.

C. FIORILLO (a cura di), La scena del costume-macchina, Giannini, Napoli, 2012.

C. FIORILLO, Architectura in fabula, Giannini, Napoli, 2016.

C. FIORILLO, La messa in scena di uno scherzo fiabesco, Giannini, Napoli, 2016.

C. FIORILLO, Marionetta e attore nella scena teatrale delle avanguardie del primo Novecento, in «ArQ 9», Electa Napoli, 1994. 

C. FIORILLO, Il teatro fluttuante - La tipologia teatrale tra Oriente ed Occidente, in «ArQ 16», Electa Napoli, giugno 1997.

C. FIORILLO, Le maschere grottesche del Macbeth: Jarry e Ionesco, in L. Di Michele (a cura di), Tragiche risonanze shakespeariane, Liguori, Napoli, 2001.

C. FIORILLO, Scienza architettonica e categorie fondative della scenografia, in A. Cornoldi (a cura di), Architettura degli interni, Il Poligrafo, Padova, 2005.

C. FIORILLO, La scenografia tra arti e scienze dello spazio, in B. Gravagnuolo, C. Grimellini, F. Mangone, R. Picone, S. Villari (a cura di), La Facoltà di Architettura dell’Ateneo fridericiano di Napoli 1928/2008, Clean, Napoli, 2008.

C. FIORILLO, Brecht nostro contemporaneo, in “Op. cit.”, n. 162, maggio 2018.

C. FIORILLO, La fiaba tra gioco infantile e gioco scenico in «rth – research trends in humanities Education & Philosophy» (Sezione Evolving Philosophy), Vol. 5, a. 2018.