Interior design B (students E-O)

Prof. Paolo Giardiello





Syllabus (Learning aims)
The course of "Interior Design " aims to provide the basic tools for the knowledge of the meanings of the architectural interior, aiming at the construction of the critical skills and sensitivity necessary to understanding of the role of the Interior in architectural dynamics generator. To this goal, and in this position during the studies, the operational activity is understood as continuous opportunity for reflection on the meanings, training with respect to the hypothesis of a project, a formal order/space that can not be considered exhaustive compared to all the problems related to this dimension of architecture.
Course description
The course addresses the issue of the culture of architectural and interior. From the understanding of the relationship between inside and outside, under the theory of architectural design, the course focuses his attention on ' inside through the study of the aesthetic measure of spatiality in recurring types and spatial conformations of experience.
The categories inside/outside, private/public, covered/uncovered, subjective/objective, represent the logical structure with which to investigate the interior space.
The content and quality values expressed from within of an architectural aesthetics are read through the knowledge of functional spaces and spaces of expression, aiming to provide the student with the necessary categories for the definition and analysis of the problems in designing.
Articulation of lessons
The theoretical part of the course will outline the main parameters that define this dimension of the architectural project in history and in contemporary times, in order to build a methodological criterion for reading the interior space. The exercises will focus on the analysis of paradigmatic examples, aimed at understanding the genesis of the project in relation to historical and cultural context.
Alison, Filippo, Il sistema degli arredi, generatore dello spazio interno e dell’intero organismo architettonico, in AA.VV., Charles Rennie Mackintosh 1898 - 1928, Electa, Milano 1988.
Bricarello, Germana, Vaudetti, Marco, (a cura di), Ristrutturazione e progettazione degli interni, Utet, Torino, 1999.
Cornoldi, Adriano, L' architettura della casa, Officina Edizioni, Roma 1991.
Cornoldi, Adriano, Architettura dei luoghi domestici. Il progetto del confort, Jaca Book, Milano 1994.
Giardiello, Paolo, Smallness. Abitare al minimo, Clean, Napoli 2009.
Norberg-Schulz, Christian L’abitare. L’insediamento, lo spazio urbano, la casa, Electa, Milano 1984.
Ottolini, Gianni, De Prizio, Vera, La casa attrezzata. Qualità dell’abitare e rapporti di integrazione tra arredamento e architettura, Liguori, Napoli 1990.