Interior design A (students A-D)

Prof. Clara Fiorillo




The study of  Interior Architecture, in relation to housing, concerns the relationship among "housing space", "furniture" and "human body". The project requires various levels of analysis: 1) study of the measurements of the human body, that is the "structural" (or static) dimensions and the "functional" (or dynamic) dimensions, referring to the principles and rules of anthropometry; 2) study of the principles and rules of visual perception (spatial sequences, colors, lighting, relation among different formal weights, etc.); 3) study of the housing typologies (with their closed, covered and open spaces) considered in relation to the perception of man and to the use that the inhabitant makes of the different rooms of the house. During the first part of the course – also through the consultation of anthropometric tables – the main interrelations between human body and furnishing elements are studied in the living area, the sleeping area and the service area of ​​the housing space, assuming the most important "useful measures" for the project. This first phase also includes the study of theories and methodologies developed by masters of modern and contemporary architecture (studies of rationalism on existezminimum, etc.). In the second part of the course students perform some design exercises related to the composition of a specific space inside the house, verifying its functional and perceptive aspects and projecting the specific elements of furniture.




C. FIORILLO, Introduzione a una fenomenologia dell’interno architettonico, Millennium, Bologna, 2008.


C. FIORILLO, Interno architettonico: antropometria e percezione, in G. Cafiero (a cura di), Dottorato di Ricerca Internazionale in Filosofia dell’Interno Architettonico. Lezioni, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 2012.


C. FIORILLO, Punti spunti e appunti di Antropometria, Giannini, Napoli, 2017.


C. FIORILLO, Il possesso degli spazi: il recinto domestico, in A. Arru, L. Di Michele, M. Stella (a cura di), Proprietarie, Liguori, Napoli, 2001.


C. FIORILLO, Discorso sulla donna e l'architettura, Ulisse e Calipso, Napoli, 1990.


C. FIORILLO, György Lukács e la doppia mimesi dell’architettura,  in A. Alison (a cura di),  Per una Filosofia dell’Interno Architettonico, Diogene Edizioni, Campobasso, 2017.


G. CILENTO, Una razione di abitazione, Millennium, Bologna, 2005.


F. ALISON,  Frank Lloyd Wright, designer of  furniture, F.lli Fiorentino, Napoli, 1997.


J. PANERO , M. ZELNIK, Spazi a misura d’uomo, Be-Ma editrice, Milano, 1983.


G. OTTOLINI,  Spazio e arredo della casa popolare, Franco Angeli, Milano, 1981.


G. OTTOLINI, V. DE PRIZIO, La casa attrezzata,Liguori, Napoli, 1993.


A. CORNOLDI,  Architettura dei luoghi domestici, Jaca Book, Milano, 1994.


R. ARNHEIM,  Arte e percezione visiva, Feltrinelli, Milano, 1962.