Urban planning B (students M-Z)


prof. Isabella Martuscelli





The course aims at providing knowledge of urban instruments of government land within its legislative framework with a deepening of the contributions made by the urban planning to the topics of sustainable development and the preservation of the landscape and environmental resources.

The course deals with the Italian urban affair in relation to the development of its social and economic system and the legislative framework that prompted its creation.
Deep examination of the main urban planning instruments under current urban planning legislation and complex programming, with specific reference to planning law no. 16/2004 of the Campania region and, in particular:
- The Planning system and government of the territory in Italy, levels and classification of Plans
- The National urban planning law of 1942 n. 1150 and subsequent generations of urban plan
- The urban planning Regional law n. 16/2004 of the Campania region and the P.U.C.
- The Territorial Landscape Plans and the relationship between landscape, environment and cultural heritage, VAS and VIA;
- The “Urbani Code” (D.lgs. n. 42/2004 and subsequent amendments and additions)
- urban planning and cartography, classification of papers and brief history of cartography (graphic), cartographic institutions (igm, land registry, etc), illustration cartography, P.U.C of Naples (variants and areas)
- The Urban implementation plans and their relationships with the overall planning
- Building-Code, the free building activity and construction permits
- Jurisprudence on urban planning (illustration of Judgments)

Teaching program
The course is composed by lectures ex cathedra and with practical exercises that students carry out in classroom and at home. They will be provided specific bibliographic references and in-depth educational materials.
To take the oral examination he/she must:
a) have signed up for the course and have attended lectures for at least 60% of total program;
b) having made the requested mandatory exercises

The exam is individual and will focus on the topics covered in the lectures. The results of the practical exercises will contribute to the final evaluation.


C.Consoli e A.D’angiò, “Compendio di Diritto dell’Urbanistica”, Nel Diritto Editore, 2018

A. Monaco, "Manuale tecnico-giuridico di urbanistica, ambiente e territorio, Simone, 2013

“Codice dell'edilizia e dell'urbanistica”, Gruppo24ORE, 2013

G.Cian e A. Trabucchi, “Commentario breve alle leggi in materia di Urbanistica ed Edilizia, CEDAM, 2015