Urban planning A (students A-L)


Prof. Carmen Cioffi




Syllabus (Learning aims)
The course of Planning and Urban Law - integrated with the course Fundamentals of Urban Planning - aims to provide the tools and experiments related to the analysis, interpretation and planning of urban and territorial systems, discussed in the light of the cultural and environmental, risks and socio-economic variables to start the study of the discipline in Urbanism, in different scales of territorial management.
Course description
The course will be developed around the theme of territorial planning of large area, through the analysis and interpretation of resources, assessment and recognition of the values ​ in order to define new policies, strategies and actions for development and redevelopment of the area.
In addition, we intend to provide a theoretical framework, methodological and problematic related to policies. Such aims are pursued through the analysis of paradigms and processes of the Urban Law and Spatial Planning: from knowledge, decision, action, communication, as well as through the study of the policies and standards at European level, national and regional.
- Basic analysis for the interpretation of the urban and territorial
- The grammar of the Plan at different scales
- Essential elements of regional planning
- Innovative instruments of policy, planning and management of territorial transformations and forms of regulation of social processes
- The evolution of the Constitutional Law 3 /2001. The law 131/2003. from urbanism to "the government of the territory." The standards
- Ownership in urban planning. The urban planning and expropriation discretion.
- The general municipal planning. Character, function and content of P.R.G.C. P.U.C. The zoning. The process of approval. The duration.
- Planning for implementation. The various types of plan and the recent complex programs
- Environment and territory. The system of multi-territorial organizations. The protections differentiated. The principles of environmental law related to the territory: prevention in the planning process: VAS and VIA
- Control of the building. The actual laws about building.. The certificates of permission and sanctions
- The government of the territory in the Campania Region
Articulation of lessons
The course takes place with ex cathedra lectures and seminars aimed to connect the discipline practices.
Essential bibliography:
Booklets and teaching materials will be provided during the course.
Leone N. G., Elementi della città e dell’urbanistica, Palumbo, Palermo 2004. 
Carta M., Teorie della pianificazione territoriale e Urbanistica, Questioni, fasi e paradigmi, Palumbo, Palermo 2003.
Guzzo G. La pianificazione urbanistica. Soggetti, contenuti e ambiti applicativi, Giuffrè 2012
Other books
Cfr. Astengo G. voce “Urbanistica” in Enciclopedia Universale dell’Arte.
Secchi B., Prima lezione di Urbanistica, Laterza, Bari 2004.
Gabellini P., Tecniche Urbanistiche, Carocci, Roma 2001.
Guido d’Angelo Il governo del territorio nella Regione Campania  Ed.Simone