Fundamental principles of urban planning A (students A-L)


Prof. Giovanni Del Conte





The integrated course of Fundamentals of Urban planning (A) consists of two modules: the fundamentals of urban planning (6 ECTS), held by prof. Giovanni del Conte and the planning module (6 cfu), held by prof.ssa Carmen Cioffi.



The Fundamental principles of Urban Planning course, integrated with the Planning module, aims to provide the tools needed to acquire the urban language, learn the relevant regulations in force, the techniques required for the drafting of urban planning tools starting from the analysis and to reach the understanding of the contents of the newly-formed Plans at all levels, from the territorial to the sub-municipal scale.



The course concerns the theme of the controlling of urban transformations. A cognitive path will be developed which, starting from the analysis of the municipal territory, will accompany the students to the learning of the rules that prefigure and guide the territorial transformations. Great emphasis will be given to the environmental aspects and the conservation rules and the reduction of the impacts on the environment.


The topics of the course is presented to students, through a detailed program, already in the first lesson and is contained in the first slide within the didactic material available on the professor's website.



The course takes place with frontal lessons and thematic seminars of in-depth study to link disciplinary theory to actual professional practices.


Il Metodo in Urbanistica – Tradizione e rinnovamento nel piano di Loreto Colombo, Ed. Masson

Storia dell’Architettura moderna di Leonardo Benevolo, Ed. Laterza

Note di Progettazione Urbanistica di Loreto Colombo, Ed. CUEN.