Architectural Design Studio 2B

Prof. Federica Visconti





At the second year of the students' academic experience, the Architectural Design Studio aims to give the students some essential fundamentals for architectural composition and a first approach to the problem of the relationship with the context, through a design experience on the theme of the collective residential building.
The course is based on the application of a 'method' that starts from the reflection on the theme, goes through the typological choice as design choice (guided, for educational purposes, also by choosing a 'reference'), reflects on the relationship project-context and project-building, to end with the definition of the expressive character of the architectural form.

theoretical lessons
The theoretical lessons will be held alongside the phases in which the work of the Design Studio is articulated in order to make students evident the link existing in Architecture between Theory and Practice. Therefore the lessons will face the following general topics: the project as an 'ordered' system of choices; the theme in architecture; the typological choice as design choice; the architecture-context relationship; relationship between forms of construction and forms of architecture; ways of architectural composition. Lessons are also provided on specific aspects related to the design exercises such as: the ancient dwelling and the modern dwelling; typologies of residential collective buildings; the construction of the collective space of the city.

design studio
The development of the practical work in the design Studio is organized in three phases: the first phase is the study of architectural typologies, consistent to the design theme, through the instrument of analytical-compositional re-drawing; the second phase is the study, in groups, of the reference context in which to place the project through analytical design and modeling; the third phase is that of elaborating the theme of the year.
At the end of the first two phases, a formal delivery of the work is scheduled in order to enter the next phase.

expected results and evaluation methods
At the end of the course, the students should have acquired a good level of awareness and analytical-design skills applied to the architectural typologies, to space dimensions and hierarchies, the representation and character of the buildings, even in relation to constructive aspects.
The final exam will consist in presenting the collective drawings and an individual interview through which the degree of awareness gained as well as the methodological setting of the course will be evaluated.
Bibliografia di riferimento
1. A. Rossi, Architettura per i Musei, in AA. VV., Teoria della progettazione architettonica, Dedalo, Bari 1968.
2. A. Rossi, Introduzione a E.L. Boullée, Architettura. Saggio sull’arte, Einaudi, Torino 2005.
3. Dizionario critico illustrato delle voci più utili all’architetto moderno, a cura di Luciano Semerani, Edizione C.E.L.I., Faenza 1993 (Voci: Tipo di C. Martí Arís, Costruzione di A.R. Burelli, Carattere di E. Mantese)
4. A. Monestiroli, La metopa e il triglifo, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2002. 
Further bibliographical references related to the topics of the course or supplementary  materials will be provided by the professor during each lesson.