Theory and techniques of architectural design 1B (students E-O) 


Prof. Raimondo Consolante






The course begins with assumption that in the crisis of our society, dominated by the media and by the understanding of reality through image and appearance, architecture must be confirmed in the value of logical and transmissible principles.



The course introduces the student to the architectural project intended as a discipline linked to the connection between theory and practice of modern thought.

The theory is intended as a formulation of the principles that allow the project to be developed, putting at the base an ordered system of choices that are questionable and comparable.

The technique is intended as a compositional system, a necessary presupposition of the choices preordained to the form and construction of architecture.



The contents are defined through theoretical lessons and an exercise.

The theoretical lessons will cover the following aspects:

- theme, meaning and design of architecture;

- continuity of the classical experience in the idea of ​​the modern;

- theoretical tension and interpretation of design and construction in the work of modern architects.

The exercises will have to produce a written \ graph, in the form of a thesis, in which we must propose the redesign of a house architecture, describing the assumptions related to the theme, the compositional logic, the design choices.


Final exam

The exam is individual. The students will discuss some theoretical aspects shown in the lessons and specified in the reference bibliography, they will illustrate the contents and the graphs of the exercise plan.



Antonio Monestiroli,  La metopa e il triglifo, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2002;                                         

Franco Purini, Comporre l'architettura, Laterza, Bari 2000;

Study material provided by the teacher