History of Architecture 1 A (students A-L)

Prof. Alfredo Buccaro




Learning aims
The course aims to critically illustrate the development of European architecture from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century, starting from the typical characters of the three major stylistic codes of the modern age: the Renaissance, the Baroque and Neoclassicism. It will provide critical-methodological tools so indispensable for the study of the most important architectural works of each period, making use also of the widest possible range of references to contemporary cultural-geographical, socio-economic and political context.
We will address some of the fundamental issues analytically, through which has established over the centuries a complex idea of modernity, particularly in the relationship between linguistic values ​​of architecture and semantic values of structural/urban space.
Finally, special attention will be devoted to Neapolitan architectural history, in its three most significant historical phases of the Aragonese reign (1442-1503), the first Bourbon monarchy (1734-1799) and the Napoleonic decade - Murat (1806-1815 ).

Course description
The course will be preceded by a short course of lessons devoted to training and grammar of the architectural orders in classical antiquity, intended as models of transmission of cultural heritage through the ancient world and the transition to the modern age. This cycle of lectures preliminary part of the activities chosen by the student who carry an entitlement to free credits.

Articulation of lessons
The actual course instead is divided into classroom lessons in the classroom and inspections depth analysis of key aspects and specific issues of architecture and urbanism in Naples.
The attendance is mandatory, as well as its registration, which must be carried out with electronic procedure at the website by the end of October.
The examination consists of an oral exam finally aimed to assess the knowledge and critical thinking skills of the student.

The most reliable bibliography consists of the notes taken during the lectures.
However, in order to overcome any instability frequency, students enrolled can download from the website / sergio.villari a pantry containing electronic teaching materials (texts, images, videos, etc.. ) Needed to prepare the exam.
Finally, who wishing to deepen one or more arguments may refer to the general bibliography that will be made available at the beginning of the course.